Coordinfância 20 years of struggle for the realization of the rights of children and adolescents


capa coordinfancia 20 years of struggle.jpeg


Ana Maria Villa Real Ferreira Ramos

Dalliana Vilar-Lopes

Luciana Marques Coutinho

Simone Beatriz Assis de Rezende

Year: 2021

ISBN: 978-65-89468-12-7 (digital)

DOI: 10.51366/978-65-89468-12-7-coordinfancia


The National Committee to Combating the Exploitation of Child and Adolescent Labor (COORDINFÂNCIA) celebrates 20 years of great struggle, achievements, and challenges since its creation, on November 10, 2000, through Ordinance No. 299, of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Labor. To celebrate these two decades of persistence in defending the fundamental rights of children and adolescents, the Labor Prosecution Service (MPT) prepares and publishes this commemorative work, which also represents the fulfillment of the objective of the National Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of Adolescent Workers, corresponding to strategic axis No. 07, by which the MPT undertakes the promotion of knowledge about the reality of child labor in Brazil and its legal and labor aspects. The work is published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish so that the discussions transcend national borders.

E-book (PDF)


Alberto Bastos Balazeiro


Ana Maria Villa Real Ferreira Ramos and Dalliana Vilar-Lopes

1 - Playing, an effective tool for the fight against child labor

Ana Elisa Alves Brito Segatti and Claudia Regina Lovato Franco

2 - Child labor through constitutional principles related to the economic and financial order

Antônio Alves Mendonça Júnior and Antônio gomes de Vasconcelos

3 - Where we leave in days of gray clouds and uncertain rains: initiatives and challenges affecting the combat against the exploitation of child labor in the brazilian amazon

Christiana D'arc Damasceno Oliveira

4 - The role of social protection in promoting the eradication of child labor

Denise Ratmann Arruda Colin

5 - Thinking differently about the professionalization of adolescents from the critical theory of human rights

Dulce Martini Torzecki and Jailda Eulidia da Silva Pinto

6 - Domestic child labor, its reality, combat, and prevention

Eliane Araque dos Santos

7 - Child labor on the streets and structural racism: Challenges in the performance of the Labor Prosecution Service

Elisiane Santos

8 - Political and social participation of children and adolescents in the fight against child labor

Felipe Caetano da Cunha and Wilson Guilherme Dias Pereira

9 - The prohibition of child and adolescent labor and the doctrine of comprehensive protection in the brazilian legal system

Fernanda Brito Pereira

10 - Brazilian childhoods in collapse: we need to rescue the ethics of love

Gabriela Lenz de Lacerda

11 - The tragic trends of child labor: “prostitution” in childhood

Ivan Roberto Capelatto

12 - Why fight child labor? A walk through the myths and truths in search for the answers

Kátia Magalhães Arruda

13 - ILO Convention 182 on the worst forms of child labor: a memorable and challenging journey

Lelio Bentes Corrêa

14 - The child labor eradication program and the implementation of public policies in the Brazilian State in facing the exploitation of the work of children and adolescents

Luciana Marques Coutinho

15 - Child labor and the performance of Guardianship Councils

Lydiane Machado e Silva

16 - Guarantee of the fundamental right to professionalization as a strategy to prevent lethality and incarceration of socially vulnerable young people in Brazil

Márcio Rogério de Oliveira

17 - The commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents as one of the worst forms of child labor

Margaret Matos de Carvalho

18 - Institutionalization and punishment as a policy to address child labor in drug trafficking

Maria de Fátima Pereira Alberto, Rafaela Rocha da Costa, Manuella Castelo Branco Pessoa and Thiago Augusto Pereira Malaquias

19 - Youth in conflict with the law and the right to work: the alternative quota as the embodiment of access to work

Mariane Josviak

20 - Child labor in large company production chains: systemic violence and discursive fallacy

Marques Casara

21 - Protection of children and adolescents in work situations: the controversy present in the (non) understanding of the material competence of specialized justice

Noemia Porto

22 - The history of combating child labour in the United Kingdom

Oscar Guardiola-Rivera and Fernanda Pereira Barbosa

23 - The Labor Prosecution Service in the fight against child labor – Childhood Rescue Project

Patrícia de Mello Sanfelici Fleischmann

24 - Watercolor Coordinfância: life stories and trajectories

Rafael Dias Marques

25 - Informality and child labor: the complexity of the challenges to social regulation of work

Renata Queiroz Dutra and Valdemiro Xavier dos Santos Júnior

26 - The labor inspector in the combat against child labor: evolution and performance instruments

Roberto Padilha Guimarães

27 - Adolescents in socio-educational measure: what does child labor have to do with it?

Valesca de Morais do Monte

28 - The 20 years of Coordinfância: resistance and struggle in the fight against child labor

Valesca de Morais do Monte

29 - Work, childhood, and modernity: five centuries of subordination?

Walter Ude

30 - Children’s fundamental right to non-work

Xisto Tiago de Medeiros Neto

31 - Fighting child labor in drug trafficking: for the construction of alternatives beyond the neoliberal state

Zéu Palmeira Sobrinho